Canadian Youth and the Social Issues They Struggle With

One of the biggest mistakes that adults make is assuming that the life of a youth is carefree with no big problems. Then whatever problems that are in fact very serious to these young people are considered minor. It is a major mistake to make that assumption.

One of the common yet extremely difficult problems that the youth in Canada have to deal with is social issues. Within this are many different categories:


Thankfully, bullying has become a very important issue that is being recognised as a huge problem for the youth today. For some, it has gone to such levels that some youth have committed suicides because of it. Bullying can come in many different forms but now with recognition of it coming to the forefront, many youngsters don’t feel so alone with this problem anymore.

Changing technology

This too comes under the umbrella of social issues because the technology the youth have access to today opens up many different social platforms to them. If they happen to be introverts then they often become targets for not using these platforms. They are almost forced into just so they can fit in with their peers.

Ethnic social issues

Canada is made up of many different ethnic groups. Also, there are many native youths who have to deal with their own unique challenges. Their social issues are more geared towards having to conform with the way of the elders and balance this with the modern way of living for young people today.

No matter which of the many social issues youth have to deal with, it is critically important that this is recognised and that they feel that they can be open about this. They need support and resources to help them through challenging times. Even peer pressure should be considered to be a major issue for youth that has to be addressed.

Rainbow Youth: Social Issues of the Youth

There are many social issues that affect the youth today. While some of them can be prevented, it can be quite hard to fix the damages done. While initiatives have been brought up to address these issues, not all people think of them the same way. One big mistake families can make when it comes to raising young people is to assume that the problems they face are only minor. 

Rainbow Youth tackles these issues and takes them seriously. If you are a parent or guardian, take the time to understand the many social issues that affect the youth today. We can work together to make the world a safe and better place for them. In Canada, there are common issues that the youth struggles and we have broken down the most common of them all below:


In most countries, bullying has been tackled by programmes and schools in order to prevent them from harming more people. In fact, bullying comes in several forms and is usually dealt with differently by others. The pain inflicted by this issue can have lifelong effects on the youth’s mental health and well-being. 

The most common type is the bullying you often see in movies and TV. You’ll find that the bullies are often portrayed as big, strong, and naughty. They tend to pick on people who they believe to be weaker than them. In most cases, bullying happens in school but it can happen in the workplace too. 

Sometimes, bullying is silent. Some people may not realize that they are being bullied or refuse to accept it due to social stigma. In the worst cases, bullying leads to victims committing suicide or self-harm. This resulted in the awareness of the issue, making it one of the most vital ones to prevent and address. Social media is becoming more and more popular as younger people get access to the internet through their mobile phones or laptops. With the need for the internet in education, more young people are exposed to communities that often lay the grounds for bullying to happen. 

For example, bullying can come in the form of cyberbullying. This type usually happens when another user posts or comments hateful slurs on someone else’s profile. The danger of cyberbullying lies with the fact that users can post hateful slurs anonymously, making it difficult to track the bully. In most cases, this has to do with photos posted on social media profiles or gossip being passed on through chats. 

The gossip or hateful slurs can pass on very quickly, exposing the victim to hundreds or even thousands of other users. Cyberbullying can also be a form of blackmail when a racy photo or comment can be used against someone to keep their mouth shut. This type of bullying is harmful to the youth, especially since it concerns private matters that were unwillingly exposed to the public. 

Bullying can also happen at home. No matter how subtle a parent disciplines their child, the manner in which they do it may cross the line. For example, a simple mistake that is commonly done by parents is to either burst or shout slander against the shield for doing something wrong or breaking the rules. If the parent disciplines the child through blackmail or abuse, the trauma can leave lasting effects on the child. They can either lash out their trauma onto someone else, making them the bully as well as the victim. 


This type of social issue starts small but can turn into a way bigger issue that can be difficult to reverse if not monitored. Materialism is widely seen as a personal matter but it is largely influenced by societal norms. The nature of materialism stems from the envy one gets when they don’t get what they want. The envy can then turn into hatred, even if the person they are envious of is innocent. 

This could result in the loss of respect for one another. The younger generation is exposed to materialistic ideas from social media and television. They can be influenced by figures who live a lavish life and often deliver the wrong message. This then leads to false expectations, making the youth believe that if they don’t have what they want or what these figures have, they are not worthy. 

It’s hard to believe that a person with an expensive watch or phone deserves more respect than someone who doesn’t. This is, however, the kind of false expectation the youth faces. If not monitored, their happiness can soon be quantified by material things. Their perception of themselves can be distorted, making them hate anyone who is inferior to them. 

Parental pressure

Parents are the first in line when it comes to protecting their children. More often than not, parents only want what is best for their children but if the child wants something other than that, parents often think of it as a problem or failure on their end. When expressed in words, the pressure that comes with meeting the expectations of parents can be harmful to the child. 

Parental pressure can lead the youth to believe that pursuing their interests or going for what they want for themselves is ridiculous. Therefore, these pursuits must be suppressed in order to please the parents. In the subject of discipline, parents should stop their children from pursuing things that are harmful to them like drugs or breaking the law. However, if it comes to the child’s dreams and aspirations, parents should refrain from pressuring them into doing something that doesn’t make them happy. 

Parental pressure can happen within siblings. For example, if the parents constantly compare their children to each other or to other children, they may feel insecure or start seeing their siblings or friends as enemies. For the youth, this is especially true to those seeking admission to universities or employment. The constant comparison can lead to hatred and an unhealthy view of workmanship. 

Racial and ethnic discrimination

This is a prevalent issue that people from all over the world face. Even the biggest nationals have several cases where racial and ethnic discrimination are present in industries. The youth are generally bound to meet new people. In Canada, there are many ethnic groups found within provinces and major cities. Many of these groups face racial or ethnic slurs from the people around them. 

This type of social issue is perhaps one of the most unique and challenging ones that the youth struggle with today. Even with big initiatives around the world that address this problem, it still exists in many forms. The notion that a certain group of people are far more superior than others on the basis of race or birth is serious. Most people of colour or ethnic minorities struggle with breaking through the barriers in schools, play, and work. 

The youth can be influenced by how society treats these minority groups. Even the youth from these groups face their own unique challenges. They are either forced to find opportunities someplace else or are slandered for pursuing a career. Some may even be questioned for their values. This issue can even blow up to something horrific, with murders or suicides inflicted by racial and ethnic discrimination. The youth must be taught that opportunities are given equally and that no one is divided by colour or ethnic identity. 

Time management

This issue may seem small but it has a huge impact on how the youth handles social and economic environments as they grow older. Time management is tested even as early as elementary school when a child decides to pursue many activities or interests. When they get older, more responsibilities can pile up, making it difficult for them to juggle their priorities. 

Expectations of society also lead the youth to believe that if they do not meet demands, score well in exams, get a stable job, and maintain a good social life, then they are missing out. However, not everyone can afford all that at the same time. If anything, these expectations can rob the youth of their fun in life. Time management becomes an issue when the youth are pressured into doing so many things at once because they are expected to do so. 

Just because they are young does not mean they are more capable of carrying out more responsibilities than adults. If they are to meet the expectations of others, they may never get to enjoy their youth while they still can. Good time management requires the help of their peers and parents who teach them values and rest. There are only 24 hours in a day and the youth deserve more time for themselves than just doing what society expects them to do.